Friday, November 15, 2013

Envirogroup Bronze Reflection

On  Friday 8 of  November Victory Envirogroup did a Bronze Reflection. This is the Bronze Reflection paragraph.

Bronze Relection Paragraph
We have started work on getting to know our environment better and creating a Whole School Vision. All the Guiding Principles are becoming part of our planning and action, and we can see how they would look across the four Key Areas of school life. We are exploring options and finding some ways to take action for a sustainable future. Some changes can already be seen from what we have done. There are some students and staff actively involved, and we’ve taken steps to let everyone else in the school know about what is going on. The people in our school and community know that we are an enviroschool.

We agreed that we have achieved the bronze level for enviroschools.

Below are the Guiding Principles. We collected all the evidence around our school under these headings. Then we decided on our next steps.

Guiding Principles
Empowered Students
At Victory students are doing things to help improve our school.
Learning for Sustainability
At Victory this looks like re-using, recycling, being able to replace what we use, living smarter and keeping things.
Sustainable Communities
At Victory we are connected to our community.
Māori Perspectives
At Victory we respect, learn about and celebrate a Māori point of view.
Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures
At Victory we respect and celebrate everyone’s different cultures and beliefs.

Our next steps are:

Empowered Students
  • Students run blog 
  • Presentations at school assembly
  • More rubbish sorting
  • Tiaki Taiao blog on display in library
  • Inform new entrants - enrolment pack?
  • Reps from each class in envirogroup

Learning for Sustainability
  • Classes plant and care for fruit trees
  • Use guiding principles when planning
  • Incorporate into classroom learning
  • Classes/ syndicates take responsibility for different things

Sustainable Communities
  • A better understanding of our community environment
  • Write in community newsletter, Ecobuzz and school newsletter
  • Spread word to our community

Māori Perspectives
  • Learn more the reo and waiata in class
  • Karakia and waiata in assembly
  • Invite people to perform/share in assembly

Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures
  • We need to do a lot more work in this area
  • Learn about the different cultures in our school
  • Diversity garden
  • Food festival (zero waste)
  • Whole school shared lunch
  • More murals - diversity wall
  • Invite people to perform/share at assembly